Original Post
Oil Strike in Greece Causes Havoc
I believe this started on the 25th of this month, and it has been ongoing.
This has been catastrophic, and many people think this resembles the armageddon seeing that people are hopeless and are in complete despair.
Many violent strikes occured, and still are, and the military has begun supplying fuel until the lorry drivers stop their strikes.

This is one of the most recent articles on the story, just go to or any other website to see more.

A Sailor Man
Well, we always cause Havocs for many reasons. About Alex, the kid who got shot by the cops, 4 people died from Molotov cocktail in a buidling... everything is catastrophic, but this one just reaches the limits. I can't live in a country like this anymore.
Originally Posted by Skids View Post
then in live in germany we have an women as president

Look this isn't funny... We are living cruel days, we take money to give money and then we owle them. I was watching the news, and I saw some young people, in the age of 18+ and they said that this country isn't for education or living. I dreamed about making a family here, live here, get a job here. Now, I will leave this country because I don't want to be here when the worst things happen. I will go to countries like Germany.
I guess all these strikes are occuring because of the conditions the european union is demanding when Greece borrows money to cover up their failures of economy. I'm not going to point fingers at people, but I honestly think this is getting out of hand. People are causing strikes because their economy is on the brink of extinction. But, it's also terrible that these conditions also affect those who help the economy.

That's all.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Originally Posted by Orfeas View Post
Look this isn't funny... We are living cruel days, we take money to give money and then we owle them. I was watching the news, and I saw some young people, in the age of 18+ and they said that this country isn't for education or living. I dreamed about making a family here, live here, get a job here. Now, I will leave this country because I don't want to be here when the worst things happen. I will go to countries like Germany.

yes but always think germany is good ,but germany and the eu arent perfect we haven donkey as vicepresident,and germany has 80 billion national debt,and the chliche that were all hard working isnt true,look at me im lazy(but im half chezch,so...)but the best place is germany is west germany
as shown on the map
Last edited by Skids; Feb 20, 2011 at 06:58 PM.
Germany would be a good place to live, but we have to try and do something besides ditch the country.
Who knows, now we wait and see.
However, our economic condition is not to be blamed on the Greek nation.
We have corrupt, foolish politicians, as does every other country. That's one thing we have to get straight.
Orfeas, PM me.
A Sailor Man
Originally Posted by Orfeas View Post
Look this isn't funny... We are living cruel days, we take money to give money and then we owle them. I was watching the news, and I saw some young people, in the age of 18+ and they said that this country isn't for education or living. I dreamed about making a family here, live here, get a job here. Now, I will leave this country because I don't want to be here when the worst things happen. I will go to countries like Germany.

Go over to Albania, stay there for a few years, atm, its better then greece economically and socially.
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
Go over to Albania, stay there for a few years, atm, its better then greece economically and socially.

funny and indeed true