I've read your article, and I'm not convinced. The whole argument from analogy doesn't fly. The complexity of things wrought by human intelligence has no relation with the origin of our DNA's complexity. You can't say there must be an intelligence behind our DNA just because from the right point of view, the situations look similar. And they ARE similar. But that doesn't mean wishful thinking will make your designer idea be true.
And what exactly is the difference between irreducible complexity and specified complexity? As far as I can see, there is none. It's the same story in a new jacket. First it was a watch, then it was the eye and some flagellate, and now it's DNA. Guess you kicked your own door in when you agreed irreducible complexity has already been refuted
Sorry, but this stuff is not science. It's a pick and mix ragtag of different theories blended with a lot of wishful thinking and persuasive writing.
There's a reason why people fit new evidence in with evolution. The reason is that of all scientific theories it is the most supported with tangible evidence. You do know that every scientific explanation for natural phenomena is called a theory, right?
On the other hand, there is no tangible evidence for the existence of god, a higher force, supernatural phenomena, miracles, or anything of the sort. Only the suggestions of people who WANT them to be there. There is also nothing that indicates the existence of such things that cannot be explained by natural means, except scripture (which, as we have established, is not eligible as proof because it argues its own validity) and the testimony of those same people. In essence, you are making a leap of faith by believing what you believe, whereas I am not. Do you understand now? The moment you make that leap of faith, you lose your credibility because you are thinking magically instead of realistically. That is why your logic is faulty, and mine is not. And considering the religious bigotry I face daily, I will not have them compared.
If, after this, you don't realize why my remark was not elitist, but simple everyday reality, then you can keep your apology.
If you've got more of those "scientific" articles, be sure to let me know. I won't enjoy bursting your bubble, but you'll thank me later...
Legendary_Ninja, I agree with you on the getting along part, but I don't see it happening without organized religion taking a step back worldwide and stop messing with everybody's affairs.
No more poisoning our kids' mind with intelligent design bullshit. Science class is for science. (Otherwise I'll bring up the flying spaghetti monster, good luck arguing against that one.)
The only way this can be achieved is by rigorous enforcement of the law. I mean, I don't see them giving up their power willingly. But until that time, freedom of religion means freedom from religion. And equal treatment for all. So if I can't disagree with religious dogma for fear of hurting someone's feelings, I expect the same courtesy in return.
Chronos, you link me to an article on a website that contains this piece of slander?
How can you expect me to take you seriously when you get your knowledge from such a website?
Last edited by Skazz; Mar 9, 2008 at 02:33 AM.
Reason: reaction to leg. ninja, then findings on origins.org