У меня только посты пропали и один трэил

Forum byl hacknut, esli pishet "account doesn't exist" prosto zaregestriruites' zanovo Esli u vas kakie-to problemy, otpravte Lichnoe Soobshenie(PM) na nick Korvin. I dozhdites' otveta.

Last edited by disa051295; Dec 7, 2010 at 05:22 AM.
пизда рулю
This account belongs to its official owner at this moment. all the things that previous owner has done before have no relations with the current one. ~Apparat
Это реально не смешно, я реально очканул, когда забыл старый пас..но через пол часа забыл о тори и вспомнил только сейчас Спасибо Нирсу.
а восстановление через мыло?
This account belongs to its official owner at this moment. all the things that previous owner has done before have no relations with the current one. ~Apparat