Original Post
Guys. Does somebody want to write a story for the clan ? You know every clan has a story but we don't have one. It would be fun. Pleeaaaaase dont ignore this one! Try something... suggest something... pleeeaaaaasee~
I Hate
That is good. I`d love to see it
EDIT: If someone else wants to make a story it will be great to read it
I Hate
Yea the story was back from the 1.90's
It's really old.
I havent had and luck yet.
It was before the big forum update so...
I'm working on it! ^.^"
In the beginning, there were toribashers, all alone, with no side but themselves. They all fought for good, until one day things changed... The day when clans were born. Among the clan creators, was a guy named Ishi who created a clan that was made of... Evil!

^ that's a rough draft of my story. I know it sucks which is why it's not my finished story.

btw, who made this clan?
Last edited by Pookie; Mar 11, 2008 at 01:27 AM.
Ishi created [Evil].
Then Nukem Took over and made metalmariobros his right hand man And I was his left hand nostril...
[OffTopic] Also.. Anyone here remember when the forums used to be blue?! [OffTopic]