Original Post
[A] Helios Relax

Auction Start Price: 500 TC
Minumum Raise: 500 TC (Edited this a bit.)
Autobuy Price: 5,000 TC
Auction Ends: 12/11/10 -5 GMT 8:00 PM Or Untill The Bidding Gets To Autobuy Price.

Go Go Go!

Leader is Blackacezi with 3,000 TC.
Last edited by MuffinBash; Dec 11, 2010 at 08:58 PM.
!iCoF4Life Since 01-01-2011!
|Marketeer - Sorta|
Read whole post before offering, Gadasara.

Edit: Oops, I meant to have it say that the min. raise was 500. I will let it slide for this one.
!iCoF4Life Since 01-01-2011!
|Marketeer - Sorta|