Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
The legacy that was inhumanely murdered and prosecuted by Europeans who founded the USA and most other countries in the American continent.

Perhaps you've forgotten what "conquest" is. We took the land by force, but so has every other nation. I'll start feeling bad when every country that has ever taken over a land does, too.

Which basically comes down to never.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by EpikTh0rn View Post
Perhaps you've forgotten what "conquest" is. We took the land by force, but so has every other nation. I'll start feeling bad when every country that has ever taken over a land does, too.

Which basically comes down to never.

Oh, I get it. This is the part where we ignore the slogans about how America is all about freedom, justice, democracy, transparency, honor, big fucking heroes, right, all the shit about the "God bless America and no place else" and how America is the most powerful and righteous country... All of a sudden, now America's just like every other country? Not the example, the standard, anymore?
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
Oh sorry, I'm afraid we can't hire you because pablo and hernandez came riding over on their bikes and filled the last remaining staff positions for lesser pay.

Then it's the companies fault. Also, I blame it on their fat asses. Time to lower your standard of living.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
@Gorman: this forces you to carry around documents proving that you immigrated legally. The policemen have no idea whether someone is an immigrant, so of course it'll lead to racial profiling.

I doubt police will be constantly stopping 'foreign' looking people to check their papers.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by MARDOBOY View Post
America is the most free county. But there IS a cache. You must be a legal immigrant. D'oh.

You seriously think that: 1. America is a country? and 2. the USA is the most free country?
You're kidding right? I live in the Netherlands. That is more free, and still not totally free. ( Total freedom would be very bad btw).
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
the immigrants that come over from arizona or other spots (states) that want a better life
will not hurt the us in anyway but the drug cartels ect. may harm us and people that come over for different reasons
but they still need to respect a country's laws it is not ok to disobey these laws.the country makes their own rules and they are independent from other countries.
so no they need to try to become american citezens while they are coming over