Christmas Lottery
I didn't start this thread because I wanted to discuss the credibility of christianity. Read my first post and you'll know the real reason. This thread was never meant to be turned into a debate, atleast not about christianity, it just happened.
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Since i'm talking to an ignorant person who doesn't have a single clue of his religion, or it's bases, i'm going to start to selectively ignore statements too.


In my name they drive out demons, speak in tongues, they pick up snakes with their hands, when they drink deadly poisons it will not harm them at all.

And this is about every christian.
I do not take things out of context, i quote directly from the source, but i do not want to quote the whole chapter of innecessities. They are numbered for this usage. I only quote them in full.

1. In (Mark 16:17-18 ), we read, "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

2. Certainly, we find ample evidence for some of these activities in New Testament times. Indeed, in the New Testament we witness the casting out of demons (Acts 8:7; 16:18; 19:15-16), speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4-11; 10:46; 19:6; 1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:1-25), and even protection from a poisonous snake (Acts 28:3-5).

3. A few observations are in order, however.

a. First, the construction of the verse in the original Greek of (Mark 16:18 ) utilizes "conditional clauses." The verse carries this idea: "And if they be compelled to pick up snakes with their hands and if they should be compelled to drink deadly poison, it shall by no means harm them." What this means is that if some pagan or non-Christian authority or persecutor forced a Christian to engage in such activities (a real possibility in the early church), God would supernaturally protect them. Understood in context, this verse certainly gives no justification for Christians to voluntarily drink poison or handle snakes in church services. We see no such activity in the early church. Note that Paul's encounter with the snake at Malta was completely unintentional (Acts 28:3-5).

b. Second, it should be noted that Christians today are divided over whether such phenomena as speaking in tongues and the gift of healing occur today. Some people argue that the gift of healing and tongues passed away in the first century after the Bible had been delivered and verified by miraculous phenomena. Some people say that the gift of healing and tongues have not passed away and are still available today.

(1) Whichever side one ends up on, it is very important for both sides to understand that (Mark 16:17-18 ) is most certainly not teaching that if you do not experience such phenomena, you are not a true Christian. That is an unwarranted conclusion that violates the broader context of Scripture.

(2) Let us consider the issue of tongues as an example. It is clear that even though all the Corinthian believers were "saved" (1 Corinthians 12:13), they had not all spoken in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:5). It is the Holy Spirit who decides on what gifts each believer receives (1 Corinthians 12:11), and the Spirit certainly did not give all Christians the gift of tongues in the first century. Thus it should not be considered a definitive sign of whether one is a Christian or not.

Consider this first and then tell me the bible says that you will be saved from harm if you're a christian.
Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
Well, I consider that article bullcrap aswell, so I don't really know what more you want me to say about it.

About the articles. Please read the arguments they put forth before you say you won't accept them. Atleast that much you could do.

Thanks for your reaction on that, I'm happy you feel that way. But wouldn't you agree that me finding an article like that on a website you cite as a basis for your world view sort of, you know, discredits your credibility?

About your articles... That's a whole lot of reading you're dropping on me... I can't help but think that you're trying to overload me with stuff I can't read in a short enough time, much less counter any arguments you base on them. Could you maybe pare down the number of articles a bit, leaving only the best, i.e. most convincing? Otherwise we'll still be arguing next month.
Even so, I'm in the process of reading them. I started at Pascal's wager on Kreeft's site, because I was truly surprised to see it there. Pascal's wager leaves out probability, which I know to be demonstrably relevant to the question of god's existence. So I don't think it's an argument at all.

And besides, I've given you legitimate, argumented reasons to dismiss your arguments and sources out of hand. Let me sum them up for you.

1. There is no tangible evidence of any kind that suggests a god is present. The universe looks just as it should if there is no intelligent creator behind it. (Okay, I didn't say that literally, but I sure implied it.)
2. Wishful thinking, you want god to exist because it fits your world view, which colors your vision and damages your ability to think objectively about it.
(No, the reverse isn't true. I personally have no desire for god not to exist along those lines, because he doesn't play an active role in my life, morals or my self-actualization anyway.)
3. There is always an illogical leap of faith in the arguments you and your sources provide. I.e. you reach a point where you say "I don't get it, it must be god's work". I believe it reasonable on my part to ask that you justify that leap of faith. After all, what we can't prove today may be provable tomorrow.
A small anecdote in the words of Dawkins:
In 1835 the celebrated French philosopher Auguste Comte
wrote, of the stars: 'We shall never be able to study, by any method,
their chemical composition or their mineralogical structure.' Yet
even before Comte had set down these words, Fraunhofer had
begun using his spectroscope to analyse the chemical composition
of the sun.

4. The deeds that god does and advocates in the old testament are evil by any accepted moral standard. Yet you choose to make the leap of faith I outlined above, and base your morals on his supposed word. Again, how do you justify that? Better put, how do you justify it without admitting to not following that particular bit of scripture, thus making you a hypocrite by your own standards?

Now, if you are to have any hope of convincing me or any of our interested readers, I suggest that you either refute those points yourself or point me to articles that do. If you can't, at least have the decency to admit that you might be wrong. If you're not prepared to do that sort of thing, you should have ignored me in the first place, because there's no point in discussing this otherwise.
Last edited by Skazz; Mar 11, 2008 at 05:43 PM.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Since the christian side is entirely undermining themselves, having not a clue of their own religion or it's teachings for the most part, constantly contradicting themselves, and in their own answers(especially you, Chronos) reply that alot of the bible is actually non-literal bullshit, and practically none of(or have i been lucky to get 100% of the same answer in different package for all of my scripture quotes? Not very likely.) it should ever be taken literally no matter what. (Which is, by the way serious hypocrisy)

Meaning, no matter what you do, you do not read bible as a book, it's a freely interprettable thing. Like a paper that's entirely blank. Or has unintelligible scribbles on it.

By the way, nice points up there, quoted from that site. Now, what would be the connection of those points to the actual scripture that tells you all christians could do this? None. Squat. Nada.
Also the strange ''conclusions'' the original author does really horribly destroy his legibility.
Besides, why do you think they're numbered in the first place? So no one would claim they're out of context. If you quote a scripture, you quote it from a number, to a number. There is no ''out of context'' in that manner. None.

And speaking in tongues? Oh please. Das ist eine gut arsch. Ar du bök? Taidat olla hieman sekaisin? C'est la vie.
I can speak in many tongues. And i'm not even christian, or holy in any manner. Even spanish, here goes. Tu e perro! And unintellgible : eine sviss dí nagilak. That takes no talent at all.

And by that, i conclude this argument as ''Fail'' on the christian side. Fail on all of, but not limited to: logic, constiency, integrity, intepretation and ignorance's part. If you wish to keep your sider strong in an argument, please don't change your agenda every 3 or so posts. Or undermine your own beliefs and words in most ridiculous manner, it's sad, really.
Last edited by Foxie; Mar 11, 2008 at 08:27 PM.
What what? In the butt.
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Since the christian side is entirely undermining themselves, having not a clue of their own religion or it's teachings for the most part, constantly contradicting themselves, and in their own answers(especially you, Chronos) reply that alot of the bible is actually non-literal bullshit, and practically none of(or have i been lucky to get 100% of the same answer in different package for all of my scripture quotes? Not very likely.) it should ever be taken literally no matter what. (Which is, by the way serious hypocrisy)

I have yet to hear a quote which says the whole of the bible should be taken literally. Please show me that quote so I can study it myself.

Meaning, no matter what you do, you do not read bible as a book, it's a freely interprettable thing. Like a paper that's entirely blank. Or has unintelligible scribbles on it.

By the way, nice points up there, quoted from that site. Now, what would be the connection of those points to the actual scripture that tells you all christians could do this? None. Squat. Nada.
Also the strange ''conclusions'' the original author does really horribly destroy his legibility.
Besides, why do you think they're numbered in the first place? So no one would claim they're out of context. If you quote a scripture, you quote it from a number, to a number. There is no ''out of context'' in that manner. None.

Quoting that site was a mistake on my part. A spurr of the moment decision if you want to call it that. However, I recall now that no early reliable manuscript which has mark 16:9-20 has ever been found. So until you can show me something that would verify that these are actually part of the original manuscript I won't address this issue.
((The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16:9-20.))

And speaking in tongues? Oh please. Das ist eine gut arsch. Ar du bök? Taidat olla hieman sekaisin? C'est la vie.
I can speak in many tongues. And i'm not even christian, or holy in any manner. Even spanish, here goes. Tu e perro! And unintellgible : eine sviss dí nagilak. That takes no talent at all.

Easy to counter this. New here probably meant new as in that they had not spoken it before and had no past experience in talking it. It also says that it would be a sign, which probably meant that it would be something that drew attention. Being able to talk a new language with no past experience in it would surely be seen as a sign by many. But since I have no early manuscript in my hand this is purely speculation on my part.

And by that, i conclude this argument as ''Fail'' on the christian side. Fail on all of, but not limited to: logic, constiency, integrity, intepretation and ignorance's part. If you wish to keep your sider strong in an argument, please don't change your agenda every 3 or so posts. Or undermine your own beliefs and words in most ridiculous manner, it's sad, really.

My reply,

also, here is a list of contradictions in the bible that have been proven false. In other words they were not really contradictions, but were taken out of their context which you did with the psalms, Job and Ecclesiastes.

Another article that disproves many contradictions.

Read these to articles and then tell me how many more contradictions you have left?
Just this phrase alone discredits the first site: "Atheists claim that God did not create the first rainbow until the flood"

Atheist do not claim god did anything. :P
The site is also filled with alot of unclear assumptions, and once again, very free interpretations on subjects. Including these gems :

Sun was created "in the beginning". The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." <- Trying to use that gem as disproving that the heavens (space) and it's stars was indeed created later than earth, when in earlier sense it ironically contradicts itself, claiming that

"Atheists claim that the Hebrews thought that heaven (Hebrew word is shamayin) consisted of water. However, the word shamayin occurs 39 times in conjunction with birds flying through shamayin (no, these verses are not referring to diving water fowl!). Obviously, shamayin means more than heaven, and often refers to the atmosphere, or sky."

And this gem:
There are several verses that are translated in our English Bibles to imply that insects have four legs. In reality, the Hebrew word sherets, translated as "insect" is not nearly as specific as the term "insect" would imply. The word really refers to crawling or swimming creatures that tend to swarm together. For example, in Genesis, sherets refers to swarming sea creatures,27 in the flood account (Genesis 7) sherets refers to rodents,28 and in Leviticus, sherets refers to crustaceans,29 insects,30 rodents,31 and reptiles.32

Even if the word has multiple meanings. It implies that all of the animals ment by the word would have 4 legs. It is still incorrect no matter how many definitions the word has. There is no ''less'' or ''more'' incorrect, either. Just plain old incorrect :P

THe other site : Examples 2 and 3 contradict eachother in the same page, and right after eachother. How does a number suddenly jump from 800,000 to 500,000?

Also, there are lots and lots of translation errors, i sure wonder why they haven't been fixed :P
And who can confuse 3 and 7 together? They look ( III, VII et.c.) nor sound anything alike in at least any numeric symbols i know.

Also. Fun fact.
Killed by God in the bible : 2,270,000 +++ (not counting the countless animals, nor humans in the flood. Which could easily make the number 10 times bigger.)
Killed by Satan in the bible : around... 10?
Last edited by Foxie; Mar 11, 2008 at 11:48 PM.
What what? In the butt.
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Just this phrase alone discredits the first site: "Atheists claim that God did not create the first rainbow until the flood"

This is true because if you claim god isn't existing then you also claim he didn't do anything.

Atheist do not claim god did anything. :P
The site is also filled with alot of unclear assumptions, and once again, very free interpretations on subjects. Including these gems :

Sun was created "in the beginning". The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." <- Trying to use that gem as disproving that the heavens (space) and it's stars was indeed created later than earth, when in earlier sense it ironically contradicts itself, claiming that

"Atheists claim that the Hebrews thought that heaven (Hebrew word is shamayin) consisted of water. However, the word shamayin occurs 39 times in conjunction with birds flying through shamayin (no, these verses are not referring to diving water fowl!). Obviously, shamayin means more than heaven, and often refers to the atmosphere, or sky."

Doesn't contradict at all. It says that the construction "heaven and earth" refers to the entire universe, however it doesn't say that they mean that when you use them separately...

And this gem:
There are several verses that are translated in our English Bibles to imply that insects have four legs. In reality, the Hebrew word sherets, translated as "insect" is not nearly as specific as the term "insect" would imply. The word really refers to crawling or swimming creatures that tend to swarm together. For example, in Genesis, sherets refers to swarming sea creatures,27 in the flood account (Genesis 7) sherets refers to rodents,28 and in Leviticus, sherets refers to crustaceans,29 insects,30 rodents,31 and reptiles.32

Even if the word has multiple meanings. It implies that all of the animals ment by the word would have 4 legs. It is still incorrect no matter how many definitions the word has. There is no ''less'' or ''more'' incorrect, either. Just plain old incorrect :P

However, the Hebrew idiom "on all fours" refers to any creature that crawls low to the ground on at least four legs. Were the writers of the Bible unaware that insects have six legs? This statement would seem rather silly, but atheists actually make this claim. However, one of the verses clearly indicates that these "four-legged" insects have six legs:

'Yet these you may eat among all the winged insects [sherets] which walk on all fours: those which have above their feet jointed legs with which to jump on the earth. (Leviticus 11:21)

It didn't imply anything of that sort. Please read the whole text first before trying to discredit an argument.

THe other site : Examples 2 and 3 contradict eachother in the same page, and right after eachother. How does a number suddenly jump from 800,000 to 500,000?

It already takes up that issue.
6 But Joab did not include Levi and Benjamin in the numbering, because the king's command was repulsive to him.

1 Chronicles 21:6 Joab didn't complete the numbering and so it was not accurate.

Also, there are lots and lots of translation errors, i sure wonder why they haven't been fixed :P
And who can confuse 3 and 7 together? They look ( III, VII et.c.) nor sound anything alike in at least any numeric symbols i know.

Many of the translation errors have been fixed in the newer versions of the bible. Well, obviously the ones who translated the hebrew version of the text into greek could confuse 3 and 7. By the way, have you seen the hebrew symbols for 7 and 3(Which also happens to be the 3rd and the 7th letter in the hebrew alphabet) so you can say that they look so different that they couldn't be confused together?

Also. Fun fact.
Killed by God in the bible : 2,270,000 +++ (not counting the countless animals, including humans in the flood. Which could easily make the number 10 times bigger.)
Killed by Satan in the bible : around... 10?

The issue about God killing people is so large and would take so much time to discuss so I'll take that up another day. It's 01:30 and I have school tommorrow so I have to go and sleep now.
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Also. Fun fact.
Killed by God in the bible : 2,270,000 +++ (not counting the countless animals, nor humans in the flood. Which could easily make the number 10 times bigger.)
Killed by Satan in the bible : around... 10?

Fun question along the same lines... If Jesus was born of a virgin, how can he be of the line of David at the same time? I know jews are matriarchal by tradition, but David's line clearly finishes with Joseph.

Btw, Chronos, you'd think that if you were actually building a point, you'd answer my fundamental questions first. Where did I read that bit about not building your house on sand?
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
its pretty obvious that chronos cannot prove his point...did u guys honestly think he was gonna say "u win i lose...lemme forget my religion now"?