Originally Posted by darkspace View Post
Using animals is like playing "god". So your saying a polar bear was created for our needs?

ya it's created for us and not jst polar bears...... everything on earth is for humans...... but usenig humans for wierd tests and maby kill them it's disgasting and wrong......... imagine dat someone wants to cut ur hand off to see how much u will bleed jst for test , is dat right??
I think stem cell research is a very touchy topic, i mean, i think its great that you could essentially grow new organs and save lives and everything. I mean, parkinsons for example could be potentially cured thanks to stem cell research, but its the whole "playing god" cliche that bugs me. I understand the vast benefits but creating a life to essentially farm it doesnt seem right. I mean, surely once it comes into existence it has the same rights as any of us. Besides, why should humans be able to create more humans, i dunno. The to much power thing just seems wrong.
And i agree with what Shin-Ryuu said, what if it id get out of control. Imagine if some mind-fuck like a modern day Hitler were to use this kind of technology for their own purpose. It would be detramental.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Dat thread is goinig in wierd direction .......

User infracted for this post~ Hyde
Last edited by kamil303; Dec 23, 2010 at 07:43 PM.
Originally Posted by kamil303 View Post
I disagree at all .........
We can use animals cuz there r created for our needs.
But useing people is like playing "god" and i think it's wrong........ No i know dat's wrong, but it's jst my opinion...

Isn't simply owning a pet playing as "god"? If you are able to control it correctly, you can choose if it either lives or dies until you it dies either from your actions, it's own actions or natural death. you can force it's feeding habits,it's daily rountine, even what it exactly does if you get enough control.

You can think a clone as a pet, only human and without emotions, if I believe how it would go down in my eyes. The clone would do work for you that is too dangerous for you to do by yourself or at all. If it does have emotions, it's a much more dynamic worker, or even a friend, maybe a teammate or anything else in between. It's like a pet too because if it dies, you can get another one later.

Plus, it's not human life we were talking about in the OP's first post. He meant cloning endangered animals to help them from becoming extinct. even though I do see a problem with this, like the fact that if the "natural" version of the species ends up being hunted or the hunter of the "artificial" version of the would add a link to the food chain but could wipe out

Also, please don't pull god into anything only because it goes against any of your or some religion's morals, it doesn't really help science if they have people yelling that they will be shunned and sent into a place never proven to be existing by a being that has never being proved existing.It's bette if you rather see if it's bad because it risks something that's needed somewhere in the system of life.

ya it's created for us and not jst polar bears...... everything on earth is for humans...... but usenig humans for wierd tests and maby kill them it's disgasting and wrong......... imagine dat someone wants to cut ur hand off to see how much u will bleed jst for test , is dat right??

How do you know everything on earth was created for us? We don't know what's created for us except for the things we make ourselves, and i feel like your saying that it was created for us because it was created by "god". Also, nothing was said about cutting off limbs, just things that include cells, which is why it's Stem Cell Technology. Please read the source before saying things like that. Killing life may seem wrong, but not reading information before bounding into debate using only outside knowledge(I'm going to guess your knowledge is from a bible, or in personal beliefs a fiction book)that may sometime snot even have to do with the subject.
Last edited by CharredLightning; Dec 22, 2010 at 10:46 PM.
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
I don't think this cloning thing is right. But only for perserving endangered species, it should be used.

But what if the cloned animals mated and their sperm and eggs were all messed up and created a fucked up polar bear with like 2 dicks er some shit.
How's that Chicken Burger Doomsday?
You can think a clone as a pet, only human and without emotions, if I believe how it would go down in my eyes. The clone would do work for you that is too dangerous for you to do by yourself or at all. If it does have emotions, it's a much more dynamic worker, or even a friend, maybe a teammate or anything else in between. It's like a pet too because if it dies, you can get another one later.

It's like a pet, too? no .. just NO
Originally Posted by CharredLightning View Post
Isn't simply owning a pet playing as "god"? If you are able to control it correctly, you can choose if it either lives or dies until you it dies either from your actions, it's own actions or natural death. you can force it's feeding habits,it's daily rountine, even what it exactly does if you get enough control.

You can think a clone as a pet, only human and without emotions, if I believe how it would go down in my eyes. The clone would do work for you that is too dangerous for you to do by yourself or at all. If it does have emotions, it's a much more dynamic worker, or even a friend, maybe a teammate or anything else in between. It's like a pet too because if it dies, you can get another one later.

Plus, it's not human life we were talking about in the OP's first post. He meant cloning endangered animals to help them from becoming extinct. even though I do see a problem with this, like the fact that if the "natural" version of the species ends up being hunted or the hunter of the "artificial" version of the would add a link to the food chain but could wipe out

Also, please don't pull god into anything only because it goes against any of your or some religion's morals, it doesn't really help science if they have people yelling that they will be shunned and sent into a place never proven to be existing by a being that has never being proved existing.It's bette if you rather see if it's bad because it risks something that's needed somewhere in the system of life.

How do you know everything on earth was created for us? We don't know what's created for us except for the things we make ourselves, and i feel like your saying that it was created for us because it was created by "god". Also, nothing was said about cutting off limbs, just things that include cells, which is why it's Stem Cell Technology. Please read the source before saying things like that. Killing life may seem wrong, but not reading information before bounding into debate using only outside knowledge(I'm going to guess your knowledge is from a bible, or in personal beliefs a fiction book)that may sometime snot even have to do with the subject.

those r my personal bieliefs but if the animals wasn't created for us so y do they exist if they wasn't here we would all be dead.......