Christmas Lottery
Yeah that's fine.

Finished Orions set before I left for holiday family gathering type functions. I'll be back in a couple days and post you a preview when I get back.

Instead of going straight to another set, I'll do the other requests.
What you want*: (head, avatar, pancake platter, etc..)set
Details*: (colors, detail level, complexity, style, etc..) hunter and supernova epic quality
Size*: (128x128, 256x256, 512x512 etc..) 128x128
Reference: (link goes here)
Price Range*: (obviously, higher amount gets better quality) we talked pm
OTHER: on 1 bodypart put iCoF on another put Chandlerb please
Last edited by Tune; Dec 26, 2010 at 05:08 AM.
What you want*: Set
Details*: Cobra and Platinum(Discussed in PM)
Size*: 128
Referenceiscussed in PM
Price Range*: 80k
It's on the first post but I was thinking of changing prices.

And Orion, I've been having trouble with Photoshop and will get a preview up when I can.