Originally Posted by GreySnow View Post
i think, we can meet at 290k, or i can exchange it on full 512.

or warrior force/relax + tcs.
Greysnow I bought this from hex16 for 65k stop scamming people is set not even worth 100k aveance said himself anyways I offer demo lax 40k
Bro, i know the price of this set. Im not interested how much u paid for it. Hex16 is stupid, course i already have a high offer. If there any scamer, so its u, course aveance live toribash and sold his account. One more such offer, and i will report.
как я вижу у тя ево не оч удается продать предлагаю сто сорок штук и дава не ломайся :3
Mapkep, я тебе не баба не сеновале чтоб ломаться. Мне некуда спешить. Предложи фулл 512 и я тебе отдам этот сет + вулкан форс