Original Post
Combat Arms
Ya..ive been playing combat arms quite a while...
CSM5 BadChick1<---My rank and name on combat arms..
Feel free to add me^^
Free Tc[HERE]
That game is awesome.

Sadly, my comp can't handel it, but I'm getting a laptop, than probably can handle it.

My name is EmpireSlay.

Pvt 2, (78% something percent until other rank, plus exp, booster)

I use it when I'm @ my friend's house.

My fav map is Junk Flea.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
This game is awesome if you enjoy hacking video games full of 10 year olds to make them angry.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
^ True statement, plenty of hackers, but not like in every room man, theres lots of servers, channels, once in a while you will run into one.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
Lack of information/media. Plus, I'm fairly sure there's already a thread about it.