dude u made the clan [ninjas] then armored core u kept selling accounts and the guys u sold
laxninja to told me ur name now is geskely u sent me all the pictures from the clan in pm aswell befroe u sold the account
your other account was drizreaper and i can see in ur trans history that u sent all ur original items onto this account so plz send the 10k soon
and u know i sent it u know what im talking about

This is the link to your dsc ninjas (this is after the hack on forums so the page is different from before)

in the original u said and " if the clan fails all donations will be sent back to donators"
i remember that still and i was co-ldr of the clan(along with ninjarock)

the second dsc armored core is here
u got rid of the donations thing and just put some names even though basicly every1 in the clan donated at least 200tc me and ninja rock donated the most me with 10k
him with about 8k if i remember correctly

sorry about posting this but i would like my 10k back man u said u would =/
Last edited by Snook; Jan 12, 2011 at 08:13 AM.
bro ,i am a new player with ,my brothers old account ,this will be sorted out just not in my darn selling thread pm me im online now