Original Post
Self leg break and kill
Here are three moves based around the same begining, ill add more when i get em =)

First one

Hold all
Lower Shoulders
Sticky hands

Space x 2

Extend both glutes

space x 9

Hold all
Raise Shoulders
Contract Pecks

{Finish of as you will}

And the next one

Hold all
Lower Shoulders
Sticky hands

Space x 2

Extend both glutes

Space x 10

Hold all
Contract pecks
Raise shoulers

Space x2

Contract wrists


Contract Knees

Space x 2

Extend knees

Space x 2

Contract knees
Contract Ankles

Space x 2

And thirdly the thigh buster

Hold all
Lower Shoulders
Sticky hands

Space x 2

Extend both glutes

Space x 10

Hold all
Raise Shoulders
Contract pecks

Space x 2

Extend wrists
Extend knees

A real wtf moment but i like it

The begining can be moulded around several moves, if you find any post em

Re: Self leg break and kill

Should probably mention settings as well. (100 range no dq I assume)

- for double post (and for whining about lack of posts.)

Fun moves though. Like the snap the when toris legs come off.