Originally Posted by Tubba75 View Post
Physically, time travel IS possible. You see, when Astronauts fly out of orbit and into out space, they come back so fast that they actually travel backwards in time, but on a microscopic scale, less than 0.000001 Milliseconds. Thus meaning we would need to go so fast in outer space that we go back years, but how do we do so? Orbit around a black hole. How does it work? Simple. A Black hole is actually just an amazingly large build-up of mass, thus, being the heaviest mass with the strongest pull, orbiting it can send us flying in circles faster than the speed of light, but it only feels like a minimal speed to the astronauts. Thus, after re-landing on earth, they could be as far back as the 1970s from now in a matter of circling around a black hole maybe...6 times? Yeah, I know..It's crazy, huh?

This whole paragraph sounds like complete bullshit. Would you mind posting some sources that verify these claims? Because, one, it has been proven that you cannot travel faster than the speed of light, two, you could not orbit a black hole because the gravitational pull would be too strong to sustain orbit, and, three, speed is measured in distance traveled in a certain duration of time mean time is going forward to measure speed, so how can speed, a measurement that is based on forward time result in time going backwards?
Last edited by IceShadow; Jan 16, 2011 at 09:51 AM.

Or you could be even more creative and just marry his mother before his father does, and impregnate her with your sperm and thus, hitler would never be born. That way, you don't have to commit murder and you get to have sex Instead.

But yeah I remember watching some kind of video that showed how you could never alter any past events because they are set in stone and something would prevent you from doing it like for example your gun jamming or you tripping and falling right before you are about to save someone from getting hit by a bus.

Tubba made some erroneous conclusions based on the time dilation phenomenon.
But in regards to thread, i think that if u could go back in time, whatever u do will affect a different future, u're future would be left unchanged, but u would be crating a parallel future. So if u went back to u're original time u would see no difference but if u stayed in the past u would see different events. Hence there are two parallel time lines
I think u cannot change u're past but only u're future.
Last edited by missuse; Jan 16, 2011 at 11:04 AM.
wishful eyes deceive me

A diagram I made for you guys.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
The reason that this situation consistantly comes out with a paradox is because, quite simply, backwards time travel is an impossibilty. Trying to explain it is like trying to find out the length of a unicorn's horn - You're never going to come to a conclusion, because there isn't a conclusion to come to.
Quit, probably.
Actually traveling forward in time would be harder.

Check my diagram.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Also something to think about: If we're going to invent time machines in the future, how come we haven't had some space-age dude come back in his time machine and warn us about shit like 9/11?
Unless of course the whole parallel universe thing is true, then its all cool.
OR maybe prophets are actually time travellers? And we're sending crazy people warning us of death and destruction to asylums for no good reason? :P
Because, one, it has been proven that you cannot travel faster than the speed of light,

Speed of light is relative, if you move with a certain speed, you send out light with the speed of light relative to you. Speed is always measured from a certain frame of reference, therefore speed of light may vary.

two, you could not orbit a black hole because the gravitational pull would be too strong to sustain orbit,

You can actually orbit a black hole, with some distance or a lot of speed. You wouldn't accelerate by orbiting though, because the gravity on the object does not contribute in the direction of the speed, but perpendicular to it, as centripetal force.

and, three, speed is measured in distance traveled in a certain duration of time mean time is going forward to measure speed, so how can speed, a measurement that is based on forward time result in time going backwards?

You can't go back in time, but you can go slower than the "other time". Example:

A twin, A and B, is 20 years old. A goes into space for 10 "earth years" with a speed of 0,866 times the speed of light. According do special relativity, A would return when he was 25 and B would be 30. They would be able to celebrate their birthday together.

Also, a bit on special relativity for those interested:
Einstein assumes two things to get to a decent conclusion:

1. The general relativity, the laws of physics are applicable to all frames of reference.
2. The speed of light is constant from all points of reference, whether the source moves or not.

This means place and time are distorted if an object has a certain velocity. This happens according the Lorentz transformation:

Where β = v/c and y = (1-β²)^-(1/2)

The left vector is the Minkowski-space, for an object moving in a straight line. You can see the object gets smaller and seems to move slower, for someone standing relatively still, if the speed high enough is to make β significant different than 0 ( so v approaches c).
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
fuck sake check my diagram idiots, no you can't go back in time but you can travel to a different universe in which the time you wish to travel to is the present time.

Also the chances of a time traveler going to our universe out of an infinite number of universe is quite small.

But yeh prophets thousands of years ago predicted 9/11 , who knows...
Last edited by Freelancer; Jan 17, 2011 at 10:42 AM.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
How is it possible anyways? Does the universe have a mega ass hdd that stores what happened every second of every day so that we can go back in time?