Link is set in Lunatic side in banner and story.

Our old banner is nice, but something missing and story isn't so hitting like Lunatic's, but you decide in last hand.
Well The Dragon wasnt doing it for me and gold isnt much of a EXTREME color. I was going with an ECW style look. Kind of epic. Link's Once upon a time story, Master of all mods, All-Mighty-Grand-Champion thing was annoying me too but I dont want to be mean. Truth is, it was just a joke and your supposed to take it seriously. I went with a more realistic story, mostly just poetry and some intense writing. Im just out of the clan so noone has to use my shit I just enjoyed putting my talents to good use.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Jan 21, 2011 at 11:23 PM.
luna can you give me the link to the banner so i can post it one the dsc
Can anyone make a crest for the clan?

And Guys decide on a date for the Clan war
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Gonna delete ALL my replays, sell ALL my textures, and buy some 512x512 textures,then i will make cool replays
Gamer Of Gamers
I can make a crest but you would have to work with me here and tell me what your looking for in a crest. Color, shape, style, design, such and such. Heres the link. I might possibally consider rejoining the clan if you change the clan story or try and fit mine into it. The clan does seem to need me...
Last edited by TheLunatic; Jan 20, 2011 at 08:15 PM.
Hey guys, does linkhunter ever post here? I mean like accepting ally requests and such,
Cos i requested allies a while ago
star all request for single allies have been accepted.
And Luna the clan does need you
And mam dont post here unless you need to tell me something
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?