Sent Aqua Blood to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Emote Color to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Left Hand Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Left Hand Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Left Hand Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Left Leg Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Left Leg Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Aqua Right Hand Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Marine Blood to Tyme234
Sent Marine DQ to Tyme234
Sent Marine DQ to Tyme234
Sent Marine Ghost to Tyme234
Sent Marine Primary Gradient to Tyme234
Sent Marine relax to Tyme234
Sent Marine Right Hand Motion Trail to Tyme234
Sent Marine Secondary Gradient to Tyme234
Sent Marine Secondary Gradient to Tyme234
Sent Marine Torso to Tyme234
3.5k please.
Originally Posted by
accepting trade?
you wanan trade some bronze items for that camo lax (you havent had much luck on your thread)
No thanks.
Last edited by supahninja; Jan 23, 2011 at 06:16 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump