Original Post
[Solved]ban appeal
[Ishi]ban appeal

I have been perma banned from the irc about 6 months ago for begging/spaming
in #outside. Ishi was in the room and the next thing i know this happens

[10:44] qwebirc v0.85
[10:44] Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[10:44] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
[10:44] == *** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...
[10:44] == *** (qwebirc) Found your hostname.
[10:44] == Connected to server.
[10:44] *** Looking up your hostname...
[10:44] *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
[10:44] *** You are permanently banned from Toribash IRC (1500)
[10:44] == ERROR: Closing Link: covah[] (User has been permanently banned from Toribash IRC (1500))
[10:44] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.

I have been getting this message ever since... 6 months ago. still can't enter
I need it and I did my time.
Last edited by covah; Feb 2, 2011 at 06:15 PM.
Originally Posted by aslask View Post
Permanent means permanent. That means it's not getting lifted. Anyway, marking this for an admin to see.

alphonsik got a permanent ban and it was reduced to 2 weeks and then he was unbanned. so If the admins have the power to change a permanent ban then that means it can never be fully considered permanent. anyway,
waiting for ishi to see thread.
This was actually a mistake on my part, mixed up the reason and time, one sec, ill remove it.

Well, i don't have the ban on my logs, so i don't really know which hostmask i glined... so uh yeah.. sorry?
Last edited by ishi; Feb 3, 2011 at 04:58 AM.


Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
This was actually a mistake on my part, mixed up the reason and time, one sec, ill remove it.

Well, i don't have the ban on my logs, so i don't really know which hostmask i glined... so uh yeah.. sorry?

[09:50] qwebirc v0.85
[09:50] Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[09:50] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
[09:50] == *** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...
[09:50] == *** (qwebirc) Found your hostname.
[09:50] == Connected to server.
[09:50] *** Looking up your hostname...
[09:50] *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
[09:50] *** You are permanently banned from Toribash IRC (1500)
[09:50] == ERROR: Closing Link: covah[] (User has been permanently banned from Toribash IRC (1500))
[09:50] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.

I screwed that up. fixed in the darkened (size 5) part.
Ishi you suck, ban fixed etc

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
How come some one can cry about in forums but when kids go and appeal for it in the Irc they get told not too.

Pretty much because he can't access IRC and this ban was placed by a mistake. This does not mean you can cry about rules in Support, so make sure you post valuable information next time. Thanks. -Aslask
Last edited by aslask; Feb 7, 2011 at 06:37 PM.