Originally Posted by DemoKiller View Post
sapphire force and 15k

Sapphire force + 30k and deal.
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post

Way too low.
Gingers have no souls!!!
It has to be one hell of a texture for me to let go 25k of the price.
It would help if you showed me some pics.
Gingers have no souls!!!
33k for it. QS force and lax have the same shop price so the old missuse's price list won't apply for it. It's a good offer when you think how low qs relax has been sold.
Someone less expirienced might buy your argument,but it will take you more to convince me.
The market is supply/demand based meaning shop prices don't determine the price.
Since QS force is more demanded than QS lax the price would be higher.
43k and I'll deal.
Edit: I'm not going by missuse's list for the records.
Gingers have no souls!!!