when do they happen? does the problem exist while running in wine, too?
if this is a linux-only issue, do you run 64bit? if yes and you're running my debian/ubuntu package, try to download the
download]i386 version of the mesa gl library.
after you got the package, don't install but extract it into a new folder, like so:
mkdir mesa-unpack
cd mesa-unpack
ar x path_to_downloaded_file
tar xzf data.tar.gz
then you should have the contents of that package inside the current directory (therefore the mkdir, most users don't want to mess up their home dirs ;-)), now put the library in the override path of toribash:
sudo mv usr/lib/libGL* /usr/lib/games/toribash/
now you can delete the temporary dir called "mesa-unpack" and it _should_ work, i hope :-D
but as said, only do this if you're running 64bit, in case you don't know how to get this information, please issue
uname -m
in case you have some other distribution, just get the cerrusponding i386 files for your distro into a directory and start toribash with:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/the/directory/where/you/put/in/the/libs" toribash_command
if you're running on 32bit, try catching the problem by using
ltrace -l /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 -l /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1 -l /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 toribash_command
and post (or more likely: attach) the corresponding lines here. please note that you might get
a lot of output from ltrace, so you can use
-o outputfile to write the output into a file. if you want to trace only at some point of program execution, use
-p process_id.
please ignore the whole post if the problem also exists when running with wine.