I like everything about it , the hair style itself is good,cant wait to see it finished
Last edited by kt700; Feb 6, 2011 at 09:35 PM.
I absolutely love it so far.
Every texture that I've seen from you has such a distinct style.
You always seem to capture a hint of brutality in your head texture's expressions in a way that never ceases to amaze me.
Simply outstanding. Most likely my favourite texturer in Toribash.
Looking forward to see the finished version of this.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
That haircut hasnt been cool since the 80's, but technically the shape is correct i suppose.

the unfinshedness of the hair hurts my eyes, but w/e, you'll sort something out

i would thin the top part of the visor a bit, it sorta goes unnaturally far up the forehead, doesnt make sense, and looks a bit silly.

rest is on track, detailing is a bit typical, but i suppose thats the mecha styles fault more than yours.
it doesnt quite have teh BAM effect of some of your earlier stuff
Last edited by BenDover; Feb 7, 2011 at 09:09 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Just a quick update. I've still got a lot left to do. And nothing is finished yet. Making hair like this takes forever. I've spent more time messing with it than anything despite it still not being finished. Fortunately there will be no hair on the rest of the set.

Something weird is going on with the contrast and saturation when I upload. The actual image is not quite as dark or vivid. I'll sort that out later. Also the neck currently looks pretty crappy on a tori. I've been too busy with the hair to spend much time on anything else.

Membrain, I looove yooou!!! :*
I haven`t any other words to describe it...
Last edited by GreySnow; Feb 8, 2011 at 08:00 PM.
I'm sure to edit it some more as I continue with the rest of the body textures. I'm calling it done for now.

512 x 512 resolution

Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Cool! Scar on the right side of the face looks like integral part of the head!
Also how about some glowing in eyes? It may be nice ^_^
Last edited by GreySnow; Feb 9, 2011 at 06:56 PM.