how about the Gangsters ? they seem like they would be a challenge

I need Lordtiger , wiirus , Tyme234, PhantomXD,Stewtoyou, UnNaMeD666, KnifeKill and Legenddude to post a screenshot of a fighting pose with or with out weapons in the art thread for me . Im feeling alittle creative today so I want to make a picture of us in it as Hunters .

Try to get some what of a close up , but enough to see ur entire body . This should turn out to be a cool pic . oh and be sure to have all ur joints relaxed or holding before you take a screenshot . Thanks
Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
how about the Gangsters ? they seem like they would be a challenge

I need Lordtiger , wiirus , Tyme234, PhantomXD,Stewtoyou, UnNaMeD666, KnifeKill and Legenddude to post a screenshot of a fighting pose with or with out weapons in the art thread for me . Im feeling alittle creative today so I want to make a picture of us in it as Hunters .

Try to get some what of a close up , but enough to see ur entire body . This should turn out to be a cool pic . oh and be sure to have all ur joints relaxed or holding before you take a screenshot . Thanks

What about me?
Free tc ^
hey, Trich, if you doin' some art, then do it with everyone's tori in the clans! do you want to do that?
hahaha i could try bud . i was just wanting to screw around abit and see if i can come up with somthing. I do like a challenge tho .

Alright i need every one in this clan to give me a clean screen shot of you doing any pose the you want ! now keep in mind when you do take a screen shot , be sure to have a dark shader background with it ( and make sure the background isnt the same color as your tori) . It makes it easyer to work with

Post it in the art thread guys !
I would like to oblige you, but being the artistically impaired person that I am, I do not know how to do this. If you could tell me how, I could try. (yes I know how to take a screen shot, its the shaders and all that other foreign stuff i'm not too sure on.) Any type of advice would be welcome.
NOT one of the leaders of Hunters
That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
I use photo shop , i real cant explain how to use it in a short tutorial lol i recomend downloading it and look up a tutorial . Theres video tutorials for just about every thing in it .