Secret Santa 2024
Sent Breast Texture to cepxuo
Sent Chest Texture to cepxuo
Sent Groin Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Bicep Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Foot Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Hand Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Leg Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Pec Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Thigh Texture to cepxuo
Sent Left Tricep Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Bicep Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Foot Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Hand Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Leg Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Pec Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Thigh Texture to cepxuo
Sent Right Tricep Texture to cepxuo
Sent Stomach Texture to cepxuo

Waiting tc
oshi- , forgot to say that the head is missing, because I was using 512x512 head :/ , you can sent back the items.
so do not worry) fors is compensation? if so, I agree)
and btw, 512 head sell?
Last edited by cepxuo; Feb 11, 2011 at 11:17 PM.