Original Post
[A]Pumpking - Starting bid 5k
Same as that other guy.

Starting Bid: 5k
Minimum Raise: 2k
Autobuy: 25k
Ends: 36 hours
Leader: Devil1337 with 12k
Last edited by Jimbobwe; Feb 13, 2011 at 05:09 AM.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Omg? You cpying me
Boredpayne Moderated Message:
Useless post, warned.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Feb 12, 2011 at 01:07 AM.
Manowar your still bidding 17k in my pumpking auction cause you cant take it back so be careful

Boredpayne Moderated Message:
Second useless post. Infracted.
DraeBank, you can handle this through PM's instead of spamming up my thread. That's why you got banned. Stop now.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
DraeBank: If i see you, or any of your alts posting here again, bad things will happen to you.

also 10k
Last edited by ishi; Feb 12, 2011 at 01:23 AM.


Not really a bump, just been busy.
Added leader to op.

Keep bidding!
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Sorry I had a basketball game, adding you as the leader. May extend the end date and lower the raise tomorrow morning.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.