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Hello guys, I am posting here because I have realized that due to hard work. And also due to the fact that I got even more responsibly I have not really posted anything in a while. Well if some one could can you pm/ get me up to speed in clan news/ events. I will be in clan server. (man its been a while)
“All the bright lights of heaven will I make dark over thee, and set darkness upon thy land, saith the Lord GOD.”
everyone stop the damn fighting and no one will be co- ldr and i mean it i can put this clan back to MMA or just make me the ldr and pure second in command acting like freaking rugrats calm ur pickles ok freaking holagans
Once while having sex in a trailer chuck norris's sperm accidentally got into the engine, you might know this trailer as Optimis Prime.
dude umm dark your a little late with saying that...pure already said that the leader will pick his co-ldr....and bro i got a deal for u with a hand flame send a pm to PSYCHOLORD he already pmed you about it...Btw we all stopped talking about co-ldr lol
i was not here
Once while having sex in a trailer chuck norris's sperm accidentally got into the engine, you might know this trailer as Optimis Prime.
Weds couldn't find away to get your head your using so i tried to recreat it..btw all inactive people will be kicked until pure changes his mind xD
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su i was not here
Once while having sex in a trailer chuck norris's sperm accidentally got into the engine, you might know this trailer as Optimis Prime.
dark pm psycholord about the flame hes in the clan LoA which is the clan we had a war with leaded by twinswords..XD trying to add something with the clan in all my posts