Christmas Lottery
ok all new [MFR] members...
u need to post all of ur replays and discussion in the [MFR] Battle Valor thread please..
that is for replays only and this thread is for recruiting only..
thank u
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
/invade r this clan have post count requirement
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
no but if we did u'd have enough... BUT, there is a belt requirement.. u have to be a black belt to apply
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
you must click ,,GO ADVANCED'' and search ,, MENAGE ATTACHMENTS'' and there are windows to select your file (replays) and click ,,UPLOAD''. And click ,,SAVE CHANGES''

Trolololo ! I can't feel you there ...
Name (in game): BlooDMarkZ

Belt: 3rd dan

Favorite Mod (aikido, wushu, jousting, twinswords, tk, kickbox etc.): judo, wushu, akido

Activity-InGame/Forum (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW): high

Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this): well one i was invited and to because air force belongs to america....AMERICA RULES

Are you respectful?: yes

Do you swear overall loyalty?: yes

Do you make textures?: kinda

How will you benefit the clan?: with skills and loyalty

Ban/Infraction History: baned for no reason

Anything else you want to add: uhhhhhhh candy mountain

Post One Replay of Yourself in Classic Mod: yes its classic i just increased the time and distance
Attached Files