Christmas Lottery
Is the server down right now or is whitelisting required for access? 'cuz I can't get on.

Also, I was whitelisted before 1.3.
back from the dead
Originally Posted by jezisek1 View Post
My application:
IGN: jezisek1
Age: 14 (and half, but probably nobody cares)
About me: I live in Czech Republic, in house with my parents and my two sisters. I don't know what to type more (I don't even know why did I put this in my app). Maybe that I play floorball and I started doing Tai-chi. I'm trying to be mature, but sometimes it gets out of my control and I do something bad (not like griefing, I usually argue with someone, but I learnt to disconnect before it happens, so it's ok nowedays). Yea and my name is Vojtěch (Muheuhe), try to pronounce it like [Vojtek].
My minecraft history: I found Minecraft while it was just Classic, but I stopped playing it and came back while it was Alpha 1.0.14 (I was downloading the game, shame on me!). I didn't have any way to buy Minecraft account (I don't have bank account, my parents won't buy me and my friends are kind of bastards when it comes to owing money). I was playing COD1 in the same time and I joined some community. I met one guy (I don't want anyone to massive PM him, I can tell his name to any of mods or to evets on this server), one of the mods on, and told him my story. And he bought me the account !! So yea, that's it.
Why you should let me in: Because I'm a nice and active guy, with quite a lot of experience in Minecraft. I have good ideas for server plugins, events or places. And I'm friendly, I try to help my friends (I hope to meet some on your server)

I hope it's not too long ... First I was like "What the hell am I going to type" and then I wrote so much. Thanks .)

you should also
try applying to kyxcraft its a good server also (if you do apply in the references just put my name)
and can i be whitelisted again too because i was like one of the first few people that started to build on it and i dont grief because everyone is to far away from me.
and also somone griefed on my reed farm they didnt replant --_--
Suggestions for information to be included apps:
Your interpretation of what the rules mean.
Examples of memorable constructions you've done with other whitelisted people.

It should be noted that negative arguments such as "I won't grief" or "I don't steal" do not carry much weight for acceptability.
Originally Posted by jezisek1
My application:
IGN: jezisek1
Age: 14 (and half, but probably nobody cares)
About me: I live in Czech Republic, in house with my parents and my two sisters. I don't know what to type more (I don't even know why did I put this in my app). Maybe that I play floorball and I started doing Tai-chi. I'm trying to be mature, but sometimes it gets out of my control and I do something bad (not like griefing, I usually argue with someone, but I learnt to disconnect before it happens, so it's ok nowedays). Yea and my name is Vojtěch (Muheuhe), try to pronounce it like [Vojtek]. And I have a texture pack.
My minecraft history: I found Minecraft while it was just Classic, but I stopped playing it and came back while it was Alpha 1.0.14 (I was downloading the game, shame on me!). I didn't have any way to buy Minecraft account (I don't have bank account, my parents won't buy me and my friends are kind of bastards when it comes to owing money). I was playing COD1 in the same time and I joined some community. I met one guy (I don't want anyone to massive PM him, I can tell his name to any of mods or to evets on this server), one of the mods on, and told him my story. And he bought me the account !! So yea, that's it.
Why you should let me in: Because I'm a nice and active guy, with quite a lot of experience in Minecraft. I have good ideas for server plugins, events or places. And I'm friendly, I try to help my friends (I hope to meet some on your server)
My interpretation of what the rules mean: (thanks to FNugget)
1. Don't grief. Common sense, derp. To not destroy other's buildings and server stuff
2. Don't steal. Also, common sense. To not go to someone's house and take stuff from his chest/s
3. Don't use texture mods for cheating.
To not use special texture packs for finding ores/dungeons/caves/lava/etc.

I hope it's not too long ... First I was like "What the hell am I going to type" and then I wrote so much. Thanks .)

Edited it a little (just this Quote, not the real post)
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie
Then i have this thing,What should i do to a chest i found that contains stacks of beds and diamond tools?

Probably it is my chest, i fucking spawn with these shit when i die after sleeping. I put a sign in my house with my name, destroy them if you need/want to.

And application.

Well my Minecraft nick is Blakn i play minecraft since classic ,and i would like to be whitelisted again. I never made any "cooperative constructions" with other people before, but pika had the idea to make a village next to oyster's house when server was in vanilla mode. Now whitelist is back and i want to become part of the server whitelist again. I play in another server called "Minecraft Br" and i have no problems with griefing, i mean, never did it before. I also had a server in classic mode, it wasn't awesome, some average server. Not more than 10 people playing on my server. When Alpha came out, i "disconnected" it. Understading rules are actually simple for me, as i said, i had a server and it got griefed 1~2 times, it was in guests room, but i know how you feel when your server is destroyed. Rules interpretation > 1-Don't set a house on fire/flood shit with lava or water/ don't explode things etc.. 2- Just don't go to a personal chest and start stealing things. 3- don't use modified texture packs/mods to find ores and underground shit. Well that's it, i hope its enough.
Last edited by Reaper277; Feb 26, 2011 at 09:52 PM.
I can vouch for Reaper, he and pika are both building near my house and have helped me construct a nether portal, and I've had no problems whatsoever with them so far.
back from the dead
Right, been out a couple of days. Do old whitelisted people need to apply too?
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Hey Evets, could you whitelist me again?

I would like to get back to building my mansion.

Hey guys, I would like to join this server, so here goes nothing...

Sup, my full minecraft username is Nokturnall, and I would like to join this server because the last 3 servers I have joined, I have been griefed in or been purposely killed by a player in a non-pvp area, which is very annoying, especially when culapou pours lava on your head (Juntalis's server after the griefing happened). I usually don't get angry at games or anything, I just play to have fun and if I die, I learn what I did wrong and start over. I don't grief things, because I love building and I hate destroying. I think if you destroy someone's work, it is like killing a part of them or something, I just never do it or have done it before. I have had minecraft for a while, probably since early alpha, and I have done 2 commentaries on the game (links below if you want to see). So that's it, please whitelist me, and thanks for reading!

Links to videos:
Last edited by Faint; Feb 27, 2011 at 04:57 AM.
I would like to be whitelisted
My name on minecraft is Too___Legit (3 underscores)
I've played minecraft for about 5 months now.

I have played on other servers before, but none were what they were stated to be.
Everyone griefed and made it impossible to have fun. I just really want a server where everyone gets along. And it's extra cool that I can play with people who also play toribash as well.
Last edited by ATM; Mar 1, 2011 at 12:09 AM.