Originally Posted by Blam View Post
LJ sucks :P

Anyway UK would own you anyday :P

If they implement the nation teams
That we may have that chance to find out

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
United States ftw
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
Originally Posted by Shlimby View Post
United States ftw

Same here! USA ftw!!!
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
do we post where we live or what race we are?

if its where we live V

if its race im europian (yes everything)
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
LOL australia ownz u all
Its not about power,its about grace.
Its not about knowing your enemy its about knowing yourself.
Once you know these things you will step on air as it were stone, you will swim through it as it were the sea.

I was posting where I was from nepo. Thats what I think we're supposed to do ._.
Monkey yeknoM
onkeyM Myekno
nkeyMo oMyekn
keyMon noMyek
eyMonk knoMye
yMonke eknoMy
Monkey yeknoM
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>