Yep, GenX000, we know each other from one forum. And thanks for wishes

your first post could use a story...

I think I've included it already. What is meant under story?
Originally Posted by PHaZZard View Post
The clan payment (20000 tc) has been sent to ManBreakfast.

There is no clan payment. Only if you become official then you need to pay 50,000tc for a server.
It looks pretty good.
Nice amount of members.
Set up nicely.
You know eachother.
Good Luck.
And welcome to Toribash.
Originally Posted by AwesomeO View Post
There is no clan payment. Only if you become official then you need to pay 50,000tc for a server.

Originally Posted by Clan Tutorial

-A leader

-20k tc (that's 20000)

-A clan tag, such as [Bncy] or [TJKD] or [RWL]. I'm strongly against things like "[Clan-leader-ninja-warrior]Nubcaek" as your full name. A clan tag is supposed to be like a tiny decoration. Small, simple.

And thanks to everybody for support. Hope we'll show ourselves soon.
Last edited by A1exSander; Apr 19, 2008 at 08:08 AM.
No that is if you become official then you pay for a forum.

-When you're ready, you'll send me your 20k tc, with the name of your clan, it's tag, and its leader's name CLEARLY DISPLAYED to make absolutely certain there is no room for error.

-At this point, I set up your clan and it's leader, and your subforum. You now go into Toriclans and update your roster there, but keep in mind that ONLY THE LEADER CAN DO THIS.
Last edited by AwesomeO; Apr 19, 2008 at 02:08 PM.