:OOOOO much things are happened here :OOOO
I was very Busy, cause im in Karate and trained for turneys, they are in 2 days
i will tell ya then did i win or not =)
(Im yellowbelt)
---------------------------- "eldrest is going" ... WTF? eldrest? shit man... well
Whatever------------------ it was his turn, but he was an cool man, ... man =(
---------------------------- <---- it wont change "anything" i think
I dont understand that is swyne going too or not?
Well guys, i had holiday, and i school again at monday so i could be busyer now =(
But i will try to post something "Im here =)" if not, remember i will TRY it ;-)
So dont kick me for inativity Saint, ONLY if i dont post anythink in 1month or longer