i think hes pretty good, accept him
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Name:chandler beltz
belt: almost 3rd dan
why you want to join: because I have seen some members tghat were really talented also I have seen you guys flame and texture stores and theyare awesome.
what can you offer: I can offer textures to the store and my loyalty to you guys and soon if I get accepted I could donate around 50k so we can go official
fav mods: sparring any.kind of aikido.and judo
activity: forums alot and ingame a little for now
i would say yes but its not up too me :P
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
name: pokadot
Belt: 3rd dan
what you can offer: my comedy and love =)
How active are you: very
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |