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Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
More likely less happy people tend to become smarter.

And this is due to the way our brain has been shaped. Logic is on the right side, along with bad feelings. So more depressed people become smarter.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
I think that is backwards Odlov; intelligence is fairly concrete, whilst mood can vary a lot more (a person of any intelligence can experience any mood, where as a person of a certain mood could not have variable intelligence)
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
I think that is backwards Odlov; intelligence is fairly concrete, whilst mood can vary a lot more (a person of any intelligence can experience any mood, where as a person of a certain mood could not have variable intelligence)

Mean IQ is less flexible, even though it can still be nurtured. However, there is a difference between being smart and being intelligent. Intelligence refers to raw cognitive power, whereas how smart someone is depends on how much he knows. When people suffer mentally, they tend to introspect, look for solutions, and thus learn and become smarter.

You can see it among great philosophers, too.
I have only read a few, but all of them seem very discontented with reality. Even if they don't outright admit it - you can see it. Nietzsche, Kant, Epicurus, Spinoza... They were all reclusive loners, and that gave them time (and reason?) to examine and re-examine everything to bare bones.
Last edited by Odlov; Mar 15, 2011 at 01:45 AM.
I tend to overcompensate when I think.

My mind tends to race. In most cases, it's bad because I'm too busy figuring out a bunch of possibilities for one thing to focus on something more important. In cases of stress, though, I come to quick conclusions and can use them to my advantage by judging a lot of things at once into percentages and solutions and all that nonsense

usually though it's a burden :c
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
That's a pretty interesting viewpoint. I never considered that more intelligent people would realize the negative aspects of life more readily than the less intelligent.

I don't see how less happy people tend to become more smart, though. It seems as though intricate analytics would yield sadness, not the other way around. I've also sort of tied all of this overthinking junk into possibly being hereditary. My father has a pretty bad case of paranoid schizophrenia, and I've been considering that this overthinking crap could be a precursor.

I don't find myself to be manic or depressed at any specific time, though. That might be just you guys. D:
Rational/analytical people generally are more susceptible to depression since they would view things as fact/fiction and solid/wavy. They wouldn't believe in omens, for example. Or a god. Or something else that breeds faith (and, in turn, hope)

there are exceptions to all of this of course
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
I then have to step back and realise is just silly, despite the plausibility.

Yeah, I've been facing that, too. But it's usually in "what if" scenarios. I can just step back and realize that it's silly, but the thought is still there, just because it is possible. Not really sure what to do about it.

And yes, Thorn, I see what you're saying. Sometimes I just don't understand how people can't look at a situation logically. (creationism, etc)
Last edited by jxc1013; Mar 16, 2011 at 04:50 AM.
Well sometimes logic doesn't answer the questions that people want answers for.

And faith is nothing short of comforting to believe in an acceptable answer to a question for which there is no logical answer

plus there's the whole hope thing, and the feeling of safety in having a set of dictums that represent what you should and shouldn't do in life (without the feeling of being oppressed)
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
I think a lot quicker than many of the people I know. I tend to think of more things as well which can lead me on paths which I then have to step back and realise is just silly, despite the plausibility. It's generally to do with people, their actions and emotions and what they are thinking, specifically my parents and people that I am in an intimate relationship with.

This more or less describes what I do. But rather then people I'm in an intimate relationship with, it's more just people I know.
I tend to think of things that may happen, and if they do, how I would react to them. Or if I say something dumb, this mostly happens with girls, I think about it for longer then I should, until I finally drop it.
Otherwise, I'm more or less like what you said.

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