PTChunk, its a no from me, when you get more posts and experience i will say yes
Also nice replays.
Originally Posted by Bloobing View Post
What is your reason for ally?

Hm. i like your clan guys=) That's like all. btw i could hardly find this post
Theglitch and Void sup
Name: Victor Hugo
Gmt: -3
Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity: I don't post so often on forums but Allways keeping my eyes to see whats going on 6/10, I'll just go to IRC when called me so it's poor 2/10 and I'm not to much ingame activity, yes I have a life so I just came play ingame on saturnday and sunday 6/10(shotcut answer = Not that much)
Past Clans: n/a
Best Mod: Wushu and aikido.
Talents: Texture maker and Replay maker (well my pc is with some issuses now and I'm using lan house)
Reason of joining: This clan has lot of good/know players, I want make part of this family, the main reason of applying is to make new friends and this clan called my attention and it seens this clan friendly.
Why we must accept you: I'm a cool guy but sometimes I'm seriously as fuck, I'm not immature, I can guarantee this.
General info about yourself: My Full name is Victor Hugo Otto Angelim I have 14 years old and currently living on Rio De Janeiro - Brazil, here our first language is portuguese, so it's pretty hard to speak in english here, I'm young but my ensligh is fair enough to atlast write this application.I have been playing Toribash since february with my main accont (but i've sold it), called ''presunto''.
Thanks for reading my application.
Just dl Gimp, its not a huge file and its free. I personally like Photoshop alot more though because it is more fun and it has more options.