Christmas Lottery
same like parker

yes for testing if i hear an explanation about ban.

But how you see your future here? Youll gonna play in-game with tag by Mincotsu and posting here by iRandom? Strange a bit...
Last edited by dieman; Mar 20, 2011 at 10:14 AM.
Originally Posted by Parker1287 View Post
After a few minutes with daamn.rpl I was able to turn it into a nice straight punch to the chest with dm's. All you need for it to come around properly is to pull your right leg in before it hits uke

cool! im trying to make a punch in akido to paralyze the other player's pecs. and for the ban, ask meamme0.
thanks for the yeses' (or however you spell it )

dieman, i feel you on that and i hope i can make mincotsu work. i am in the process of getting my
account forum-activated.
Last edited by iRandom; Mar 20, 2011 at 02:50 PM.
Originally Posted by iRandom View Post
cool! im trying to make a punch in akido to paralyze the other player's pecs. and for the ban, ask meamme0.
thanks for the yeses' (or however you spell it )

dieman, i feel you on that and i hope i can make mincotsu work. i am in the process of getting my
account forum-activated.

I like you and your replays however my yes is pending. I dnt wanna let you in or test you until you get your old acc back. I'll ask around and see what happened to your old acc on irc and get alternate stories of what happened. Thnx for posting btw.
Rogue clown
I'm a little iffy when it comes to the ban, but otherwise you seem like a cool guy
Also, I like your honesty, specifically with the referrals part, however i'm going to abstain till we get an explanation on said false ban.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Ok thanks guys. I know what you mean by not letting a guy in without backround info...
its cool. i hope everything gets sorted out and i get to be tested(:
heh, I never watch the replays, so I'm anticipating your aikido skills.

EDIT: it's not that I don't want too, or dislike doing so, but I just CBA on things like that most of teh time.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
plz accept me :)
Belt:2nd dan
Preferred Mods:aikido and wushu andtwinsword
Referrals (if any):
Previous Clans: non
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): never
Talents(Tb related):easy decapes
What you will bring to the clan:more good reputation and a great tb talent
Other stuff we have to know:i make textures using photoshop
You will need to include 3-5 replays.
noob smasher 2.rpl

aikido splitup.rpl

no holding match .rpl
I say yes for amjad

skills could be developed a bit more, but there's a good foundation. And he seems to be a nice guy and he TEXTURES (haven't seen one of those in a while....)
Unrelated to amjad
We need to make a decision about mincotsu (*cough Mars and Dillon cough*)

He's not gonna wait around forever for an answer, and neither would I frankly...
My shop
about amjad...Parker did you looking on his forum activity?

-texture making,but we didnt know how good he is at it.

-He got at least 13 posts.
-2nd black is not that advanced dudes.
-skills arrent rly good.

Do we rolling down? I dont want to be wrong understood,but we need to recruit persons who gonna raise our morales.I think about skilled people.rly skilled.

amjad:No from me.