
First one: Nice replay but there are a few things you could change. First off, when you kick Uke in the head, you used a contracted ankle which made it take a couple of frames to actually dm. A better alternative would be to extend your ankle before hand so it smoothly splits the neck joint. Extended ankles are also good for boomhits when you aim at the top of the pecs and the bottom of the neck joints.
Ex.: Attachment 257115 - doesn't work (see post two spaces down).

Second one: This one is already pretty darn good. It was realistic and smooth, it kept the flow, and it was fast. If you wanted to boom it you might be able to dm both pecs, but I couldnt imagine anything greater. Side Note: Try to always achieve a realistic pose, even if you want to edit an earlier part of the replay. This gives plenty of practice so it is easier to make a realistic pose faster.
Ex:Attachment 257148 - doesn't work (see post two spaces down).

Third replay: This one looked a little awkward. I think the reason for this was the extended ab making it look like a funky spin. You might try to extend that ab for the kick right when you kick, not before. And, once again, always try a pose. Practice makes perfect.
Ex: None

Fourth replay: I liked the destructiveness on this one. It was quick too, which is always good. One thing you need to work on is relaxing more. In this replay, it was jerky and awkward, which makes all that sweet destruction less enjoyable. Here is a tip: if you just dm'd something right before the end of the frames (and your too lazy to hack the replay) then just shift + p till you get to the end of the frames. Often, you make movements in one frame that will create a pose later on.

Sorry I did these replies/examples all in under 20 min. If it was a little vague, just say so and I will elaborate.
Last edited by Zeno275; Mar 24, 2011 at 03:35 AM.
"I never learned the last half of the alphabet. I got frustrated that "m" and "n" were the exact same thing."
The attachments dont seem to work... I'll just post them right here.

Ex1:grab heli decap Variation.rpl

Ex2:chain kicks Variation.rpl
"I never learned the last half of the alphabet. I got frustrated that "m" and "n" were the exact same thing."
Im not leaving because off the typo... but that's a funny way to go ... i decided to leave because off my timezone difference ... im +2 gmt .... and also because i started to work at a warehouse (in real life...not some kind of warehouse worker simulation like those buss driver and other work simulation pc "games") and my game activity will really drop.
Last edited by Desiderius; Mar 24, 2011 at 06:47 PM.
dude desiderius... ok ur game activity will drop nonetheless but there are options:
1. u can stay in the clan and help out as much as you can whenever you can
2. you may not know this but the clan activity only consists of me, zeno, thejesut, cerealizer and metal... so we are kind of inactive as it is but we still play the game
3. it's just a game so what the fuck man.. i mean it should be about having fun (well i have fun at least hehe)
4. you shouldnt care as much... i mean cmon... IRL > this game

so basically its always a WIN&WIN situation.

ALSO... wtf is going on? im high as fuck right now ok? here is my question: the ART/TEXTURES board.... why does it suck? im trying to auction my art but it seems people dont want it... its not that its crap but i think people incline to buy robot sets most of the time... my problem is that i suck at making robot textures... especially head textures but i can make good (ignore modesty) cartoon heads.... should i start making robot textures?
Last edited by vorDo; Mar 24, 2011 at 10:11 PM.
Well, if the cartoon textures aren't giving you anything, I suggest to try to learn how to make robot textures.
Originally Posted by PEDOBEAR15 View Post
Deadstop: quitting the clan because of my inactivity

Wow, deadstop is my trainer...