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Need help making a forum to upload to a host server
Title isn't very descriptive, let me expand.

I want to make a phpBB forum, or, rather, a forum like this one, and upload it to a host that my dad's friend is paying for.

Veb/Hampa/anyone else that can help: How would one go about doing this? I know this IS wibbles, but I can't find where to post this. Anyway, I'm not sure where to make the forum/how to make the forum and how to upload it, would someone please be kind and help me? ;_;

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try it out first on your local machine to get a feel of how t install it.

upload the entire forum package (unzipped) using an ftp client (try out smartftp if your in windows).

make sure your host has mysql and you have an account there

let's say you uploaded it to

go to the url

follow the instructions and viola.

or if your host has fantastico installed, it can install phpbb for you.