Re: VOX: Over, and out.
So did i, which is y i joined Vampiric. Sorry to all PF members.If u dislike my decision, then PM me and i will be waiting in Judo...

Re: VOX: Over, and out.
Originally Posted by skinnydude908
Originally Posted by LJ
Originally Posted by Apollox99
I knew that this day would come...... ...The [PF] clan members are dropping like flys we need to become a stronger band to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. I am sad to see you go good bye.

yes, i also knew this day would come
Originally Posted by ragoo
VOX I cant beleive you left but sad to say I may be leaving soon to [PF] is just falling apart and unless we can pull it back together I wont be here very long but I hope I never have to. Anyway off topic VOX can you still tech me how to make images?

RAGOO DONT GO PLZ, enless there is few PF members then i guess u can go but not now! i promissed myself i wouldnt do this lol

Please....We have to keep this clan together! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! ROBO TURKY IS ON A WEEK TRIP AND THE CLAN IS FALLING A PART?!?!? I shale stay and help this clan till I die! WE HAVE TO KEEP THIS CLAN TOGETHER!!!

Robo can't come back and find the clan dead!

Whoes with me??!?!

SAY IAY for yes and nay for no

SO whoes with me?!??!?!?!


IAY, but i dont think PF will live much longer
Re: VOX: Over, and out.
The clans are dropping like flies. Do something about it and save PF with, uh... magical... things. yeah. There's got to be something you guys can do.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: VOX: Over, and out.
Thats the problem when you recruit too many members.
Rather recruit few, have them all on msn, and be good friends.
Thats the whole point of a clan, and it keeps it strong.
Re: VOX: Over, and out.
That's why CBK is alive. That and INSULT TOPIC. lol

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do