Your in-game name: Alex5050
Your Belt: 3rd dan Black belt
Your skills: Usually play alot of Akido,kickboxing,wushu
Why You want to join: I would like to join this clan because ive been looking forward to joining a interesting clan and this clan looks suitable and i have a friend
Any replays you want to see: Im not a big fan of saving but if u would like to c me play i shall show u
Any of your artwork you want us to see: In the past i have made sets but no ive lost all my skills.
How active on forums: I check every hour in case of important stuff.
How active in-game: I play a couple hours but i play everyday.
And i just want to thank you guys for taking your time to read this app i have posted i will not be mad that i dont get accepted, but if i do i will be filled with happiness.
have a good day