If thats the case I'll respect your decision I'll miss ya T.T
Btw link 8 never quit
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Mamakal first you just need look you life other way and it won't fail, if you don't let it fall.
Second you will get better grades, if you read, but that don't mean you have to totally quit everything else. Just make time to yourself and do things what you want and then when you had time yourself and done all school stuff, come on computer.
Last one addiction is bad thing, but you can't quit, because then you will live in one kind of jail. You must be less on computer, but not quit and if you don't think you can handle it that wait. Just be away from computer like a week and then come back and do this kind of things as breaks or get professional help.

And about report card. There ain't any reason to get that, because life is for life. You choose yourself what you will do and when, but there maybe is some borders, but they are far beyond of you. Now get up and did thing like that.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
I'm maybe fool, but I think this could be other way to do it. It is all up to you and you ahve to choose your way. My option is much roughter, but much giver too. But anyway It all up to you. Don't missundertand I respect your situation what ever it will be.
Bye Mamakal, maybe someday you will come back and be better yourself when all other can be proud of you and exspecial you can be proud of yourself.
Last edited by NinjaTitan; Mar 26, 2011 at 07:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
mam dont do this not a perma ban
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Link kick cycillac he won't be active anymore and I want in future we choose time and that will be that time and all our players who are online will battle, because 2 of CW has failed, because time.
Link he did it already.
I think so.
Last edited by NinjaTitan; Mar 26, 2011 at 07:24 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
Ok titan
Mam Dont get a permaban pls
rethink your choice and think hard
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Link give me some conserveting programme user what you use( I mean name) Because my TB seems do not work always
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.