wait.....öhm....hm....ahhh yes i discused with a frined from me about one guy ...
he is really strong :O öhm...the guy ! ^^
and then my friend said man you kick his ass you much stronger !
that felt awesome
ok...my answer, "A chick called me a man whore" was actually meant to make some people laugh. Some of these seem like they are serious but make me wanna laugh anyway lol...not mentioning any names tho...*cough*rayque*cough*
I think maybe when I was watching torispy and Freelancer was telling someone about how the icon for tori-booster used to be his but then another one replaced it, then I replied that the one which replaced his was the one made by me and he said something like "Well I am glad it was you then".
That was great.
Freelancer is a nice guy even though he likes to act mean ^^
really, it was last week on spring break at a pool. Felt pretty awesome. I always laugh when I remember how my best (female) friend called me "man-pretty".
suprised some people are posting TB compliments. But whatever floats your boat.