Christmas Lottery
Defyant,i send the Tc's,and the item.Have fun!

GenX000:Yup,random prize will be added each days,or week..

Flubbah:You get get money by paypal by a credit card,that's the easiest way.

Notywq:Bah,nevermind,only one dollar can give you 5K.I'll try to put the moar bonus i can.
Nice but why not pay $10 twice because you get 120k then, if you pay $20 you only get 100k... Good shop though!
\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!
If you buy 100k in one shot,youll get 20k more.Plus the bonus of the 5$,wich gives alot of Tc's..:3

Cool, I'll buy some as soon as i get money in my payapl. *lol I was selling them now im buying them O_o *
Not that much,but i know alot of players dosent have enough time or skills to win as much game with a 50,or 100 booster.That's why i'm selling them at a realy low price.