Well shit, I'm really annoyed of those pretenders too. People with girl, kiss etc. in their name... Just, no. Anyways, I'm a girl and if you don't believe that: Too bad!
Why do you even care about genders?
It is not like you will see anymore than a nickname, and avatar and some lines of the people around here anyway.
Just ignore them.
The only thing I might consider annoying is the hype created around them. But I find it rather easy to ignore that as well.
Also had this discussion many many times, and at last count there's somewhere around 40 confirmed female TB players. Emphasis on confirmed, there's more than likely a lot more that haven't shown their faces in public for reasons like this thread.
Also anyone pretending to be a chick should grow the fuck up & stop being an attention seeker.
<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you