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Dragon force for old goldforce ?
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Originally Posted by walid869 View Post
Dragon force for old goldforce ?

manowar123: none, not interested in snowmen.
Last edited by Star; Apr 15, 2011 at 07:01 AM.
Dragon force for superfly relax
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Originally Posted by walid869 View Post
Dragon force for superfly relax

no thanks. Dragon force isn't worth that much.
Lol i know :3 what would you give me?
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...