Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
his jokes are cold as ice

That is like the best pun I've heard in the last... 10 seconds
Ok Ice and fellow clan members, I thinnk it's time that we apply to become official. What do you guys think?
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Viper why? First of all you did object me for leader so ;) second of all I don't think there is any more "ranks" or such you are either the leader or the member! You need to ask IceAge if there is a higher rank and If there is I will consider promoting you!

----- Edit

AND YES we should apply for official
Flying flying*
Originally Posted by Iceage View Post
It's hard to get a sense of humour across over the internet
For those of you that still don't get it, that was a joke -_-
*cross fingers*
Lets do et
Last edited by relic222; Apr 20, 2011 at 09:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Fluzert I'll need to clarify this, there are ranks. You are categorised as:

Overall Leader = The clan leader
Sector Leader = The leaders of Dark and Fire
Elite = The best player from either side
Elementalist = A player who has good skills in a particular mod
Warrior = A member of the clan who posts important and well developed posts and/or is good in game.
Apprentice = The players who are still learning but have a lot of potential

It's always the sector leader's choice if somebody can be promoted. Fluzert, I will not allow you to be grudged against Viper because he objected to your leadership, he had as much right to apply as anybody else