Original Post
[R]5k Avatar
can someone make me an avvy.. if i choose ures i will buy it for 5k.... i want it to have my tori in it with shaders/raytracing??
i want the upper half of my tori.

thanks guys..
Marketer once again.
On it. I should have one up tonight.
Is it alright to have uke in it? (your tori tearing up uke, etc...)

Let me know what you think... Kick ass Texture set btw ^_^
Last edited by OmgWtfMik3; Apr 22, 2011 at 06:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here you are sir:

This one's a bit simpler so you can see the tori.
I can still change it around, let me know what you think.