Thoughts? Z.z
I was wondering if Presunto ever tried to join this clan that last 3-4 days. If so he has been in Bot and I need to inform the leader.
Belt:4th Dan
Who Recruited you:Teague
Reasons for applying:I would like to experience with different clans and former teammates.
Skype account:I have skype its self but i can make a account
I have read and abide the "rules of Secret" list.(yes/no) yes!
I have a black belt or higher and 100+ posts",(yes/no) yes but i only have 70
2 multiplayer replays: Well i dont really no how to posts replays so if u guys can show me how i will posts the replays later
Ive been confused by this lately, and hopefully Teaque or Aikido can confirm. is it 50 or 100 posts now?
if its really 100 posts then come back when you reach that number. if its 50 then il withhold my opinion until he gets some replays up