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[Solved]How to get more posts.
As title says, Can someone please give me some tips on increasing my posts?


i.e where to post more and where to post less.
well...first, dont post just to increase your post count^^

second, the off-topic area is a very good place for posting in many threads.
Also the Art-Board could be a good place for this.

but be sure not to say useless shit, just for post count.
Two things, Never farm posts and Do not post anything at any thread when you have no idea about the topic.

I suggest you to get a clan and join discussions at their board (If Official) or their DSC.
:(){ :|: & };:
Originally Posted by toricant View Post
As title says, Can someone please give me some tips on increasing my posts?


i.e where to post more and where to post less.

Well, places were you can get post:

-Market, if you sell/buy alot, but it can do you a very bad rep
-Off topic

What I suggest: Never post for the post count, its just a detail. Even if you have 5000 post or 1000 the difference isnt really important, what is important is the quality of the post. If you want to teach yourself that, here is a good place:

-Clan discussion: join a clan to have FUN and to make friends, posts will go up if you are active and you wont even notice it.

Thats about it, but mainly explore forums and see what you are interested in, then help put others or sell/buy and you will get more post, even if it is higly unrecommended
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To sum up the above post:

Join an active clan.
Find a few boards and be active in them.
Go in Support if you know the answers.
Off-Topic for fun.
You can get more posts if you join a clan.
Last edited by Fic; May 4, 2011 at 06:10 AM.
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Actually, i applied for many clans, but i was rejected due to my insufficient post requirments.

Any ways thanks for help!
