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Physics, Money, Work and Knowledge
I came across this curious passage in my physics text-book.

Hopefully we all know the equation, Work/time=power

Now, suppose:

You get work/money=knowledge
Then, working for money,

What this means? As knowledge approaches 0, money approaches Infinity.

Discuss the following statement based on the working above,
"The less you know, the more money you make"
I think this is true to a certain level:

money/time = power

the more money u make per time the more powerful u are

knowledge is not necessarily power, some types are some are not
time is not money, some spend time to make money some don't
wishful eyes deceive me
money is the root of evil:
money = sqrt(evil)
work/knowledge = sqrt(evil)
thus: knowledge -> 0, evil -> inf
and: knowledge -> inf, evil -> 0
and: work -> inf & knowledge > 0, evil -> inf
and: work -> 0, evil -> 0

I say we all procrastinate and learn about stuff, we might not get rich but there will be much less evil in the world.

By the way I'm joking, if you can't tell that like Dalliance can't, then go screw your self

Also this is more 'Applied math' than physics.
Last edited by Vox; May 9, 2011 at 06:16 PM.