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Not that off-topic but...have any of you experienced something like your brain was trying to wake you up, even though you were awake?
Sounds weird, can you be more precise ?
Because I have two weird exeperiences where a part of me tries to wake me up...
First was my brain "shuting down" before my body. I was trying to sleep, and I started dreaming
before falling asleep. I was in a mountain, walking with my class. What "woken me up" was a road. When I had to cross the road I suddenly thought "What the fuck is this, I can't cross a road I'm in my bed O.o", and opened my eyes, a bit shocked. (and happy, because I felt unique
Second was... the same that first but in reverse ? This time my body woken up, but not my brain (duh), at least not completly. When I woken up, I opened my eyes and was thinking "I must concentrate more on last hitting !" (I was dreaming that I was playing Kennen on League of Legends - Winter map). After 30 seconds, the conscious part of my brain thought "Wow, I'm thinking about weird things, I should go drink water, it will probably wake me up". It did, but all the way 'till the toilets, even while switching the light and turning the tap, I was still thinking "I must concentrate more on last hitting !".
.... but if you mean waking up even if you're 100% awake, then you're special, and should describe more what happened to you.