Original Post
The Freeze Cold Room AKA the Server
We have it...Finally!

Wait for it


Go to server 74. Pay no mind to the freeze server right below it, I think Hampa made some errs on that. Or haven't got the namechange

But Still, the coldroom is open. WOOT!

Now I just need some help on this, I havent fiddles with a server for a bit
Last edited by avwave; May 9, 2008 at 01:59 PM.
Nevermind ^_^

So is this server going to rotate game types every once in a while or what? Maybe we should have a poll/voting system?
Is there any set way one becomes an elite? Or is it just based on whoever you like more? Objective of Subjective?
=) either too busy, or we're on totally different timezones....
On a current note, I'm there!
im all ways on there and if u want to become a elite we only have 2 we need more if u want to come to the Freeze server and i will test u in if u know how to change mods and modes fast