
My favorite character of my first ever game on my first ever console.
That game is still one of my favorites today.
Jet set radio future for the win!
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
mine comes from new kids cuss they allways cry CRAZY MONGO BOY! (in german "verückter mongo junge)
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
My forum name is David because me real name is Frank.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Here's what I'm seeing in this thread.
"my name came from another site."
Well how'd you get that name from the other site?
My name before it was bio was profile1to10. Which originated from my youtube account. Which I randomly though up from inspiration from other names on the internet that are so simple.

From there I went to bio. Bio is shortened for bio_trash which was another toribash user who let me use his name since he switched names. I actually go by pandio now, which is a mix of panda, ( my fursona species ) and bio. pand/io